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It’s the “Commitment” That Makes the Difference
When it comes to fitness, there are many theories, thoughts and ideas as to what to do and how to do it to get the results you desire, especially when it comes to weight loss. Some ideas are myths, others are not. Some ideas are based on research but loosely. New fitness products and programs […]
It’s February!
It’s February! How are those New Year’s Resolutions doing? Are you eating healthier foods? Are you exercising regularly? Are you getting proper rest? Did you give up smoking? Of all the things you can do for yourself to become healthier, studies show that the single one best thing you can do is to be a […]
The Importance of “Play”
When do most adults, forget to enjoy play? When do they lose the childlike desire to move and to move often? Watch any little kid for a period of time and most will run almost everywhere they go. Lots of kids just have to move. They truly enjoy movement. Look at their faces. They don’t wear the grimace […]
Tabata, the “new” buzz word in the Fitness “Biz” isn’t really new. This method of training, gets it’s name from Izumi Tabata, a Japanese scientist who helped develop the method when he was working as a training coach with the Japanese National speed skating team. Tabata readily admits that the head coach at the […]
Zumba Fitness!
ZUMBA! The story of how one fitness instructor nightmare became an entrepreneurial dream come true. Alberto “Beto” Perez dashed off one day in the mid 1990’s, to teach an aerobics class in his native Cali Columbia. He arrived realizing he had forgotten his music. You don’t mess with a group of women waiting to burn […]
Cyclists, you need yoga. Runners, so do you. In fact everyone can benefit from yoga on a regular basis, but I’ll concentrate on runners and cyclists for now. Are you a runner or cyclist who avoids yoga because you are “just too tight”? Of course you are tight. You’ve worked hard to get that tightness. […]